Riley Friedman Asset Management is a long term, value oriented investment firm. We are disciplined, patient investors, who rigorously evaluate stocks and bonds before investing on your behalf.
Preservation of capital is a key component for most clients. Return on principal becomes secondary when one’s return of principal is at risk. We ensure that your assets are invested safely and securely, to work for you to maintain or improve your standard of living.
When investing in the fixed income arena, we bring to bear the firm’s expertise and pricing efficiencies, while evaluating the interest rate environment and tax implications for you. If you are in a high tax bracket, we will utilize tax free municipal bonds. If you are not in a high tax bracket and we determine that you should have a bond component to your portfolio, we will use taxable bonds i.e., investment grade corporates, government agencies, and taxable municipal bonds.
With equities, we are not locked in to any one investment style, though we are typically contrarian investors in which we look for out of favor stocks. We evaluate the company’s financial statements and management’s record, while focusing on valuation. We always want to protect your downside risk when investing.
In all portfolios, the stock and bond components should be diversified. The diversification approach includes investing over time and ensuring there are no concentrated positions.